Friday, March 23, 2012

Happy Birthday, Affordable Care Act!

Even though some of its key provisions - for example, no denial of coverage or ability to charge you more because of a pre-existing condition, including a disability - don't go into effect until 2014, the Affordable Care Act has already begun working.  Here are some statistics relevant to those of us in Michigan:

  • Health care works for women, children, seniors – everyone. More than 2.9 million Michiganders received preventative care such as mammograms and colonoscopies for free in 2011.

  • Health care works for young adults: 57,527 Young Adults in Michigan are now insured because of the new health care law.

  • Health care works for seniors: 84,168 Medicare beneficiaries saved more than $48 million on prescription drugs because of the new health care law.

  • Health care works for small businesses: A growing number of businesses offering health care coverage are taking advantage of tax credits available under the law.
The facts show that the ACA is working, but Republicans are still doing everything they can to try and repeal the law.  By calling it "Obamacare," they have been tapping into the resentment that many Republicans feel toward Democrats in general and President Obama in particular for winning in 2008.  This and the fear-mongering and demagoguing that are so common on the campaign trail are diverting attention from the benefits of the law.  Ask people if they support many of the specifics of the ACA and the majority say yes, definitely.

Involved Voters can find information about what portions of the ACA have already been implemented and what's still to come on the timeline page.

On Monday, March 26th, the Supreme Court will begin oral arguments about the constitutionality of the law.  The proceedings will be worth following.  

If you or someone in your family has already benefited from the ACA or will in the future, I encourage you to write a letter to the editor or comment online during this important time.