Monday, November 26, 2012

Eternal Vigilance

Here in Michigan there is a lame duck legislative session during which Republicans will try to push their Tea Party-style agenda while the five incumbents defeated by Democrats are still around.

Despite clear messages to the contrary from the majority of Michigan voters, the Republicans will go ahead with plans for legislation:

  • Undermining workers' rights
  • Instituting voucher-style "reform" of public schools
  • Cutting taxes even further for corporate special interests
I guess they're hoping we're all busy preparing for the holidays and won't notice what they're up to.  But, being an Involved Voter means being committed to eternal vigilance.  So, let your State Representative and Senator know you're watching and will remember what they do when the next election comes around.

Republicans at the national level haven't gotten the messages of the November 6 election yet either.  They're still resisting tax rate increases on the wealthy - protecting them at the expense of everyone else and claiming they are all "job creators."  A recent opinion piece by self-made billionaire, Warren Buffett, pokes holes in their arguments and makes the case for a fairer tax structure.  See the article here: and then tell your Representative what you want him or her to do.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Campaigning for a Balanced Solution to the "Fiscal Cliff" Problem Begins Now

OK Involved Voters, we've had our day of rest.  Time to lobby the House of Representatives with its Republican majority for a balanced solution to the "fiscal cliff" problem.

Here's what I sent to my Michigan 7th District Representative via his web site:
Dear Representative Walberg:  I am hopeful that the message you are taking away from the results of Tuesday's election is that the majority of Americans want Congress to work with the President to avoid the "fiscal cliff".  So, please, tear up your Grover Norquist "no taxes ever" pledge and see that the richest among us are finally asked to pay their fair share of taxes.  Favoring millionaires at the expense of education, R&D, rebuilding infrastructure, and public safety makes NO sense.  Please read and believe the report of the Congressional Research Service which shows that continuing tax breaks for the rich is NOT a path to creating jobs in the US.
Please add your voice to the call for fact-based compromise.  Call, email or write - today - before spin takes it toll and delusion sets in again in the Republican House.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Voting IS The Best Revenge...

...revenge for having to endure the flood of lies and misinformation from Republican slime-machines like Crossroads GPS.  According to the Sunlight Foundation, 81% of the "dark money" polluting the 2012 election, is being used by groups supporting Republicans.

So, get your revenge for those TV and radio ads, robo-calls and mailers by voting!  Michigan voters can check their registration status, find their polling places and see a sample ballot at the Michigan Secretary of State's web site.