Sunday, October 31, 2010

Do they care more about winning than about governing?

Our president mourns the current state of politics and urges those who win on November 2 to govern in the best interests of the country. A question that Involved Voters should be asking is: Which candidates are most likely to do that?

Here's a blog post on that topic from Steven Benen of The Washington Monthly:
It's worth reading - especially if one is thinking about sitting out this election.

Monday, October 25, 2010

2010 General Election - You Choose

Are we voting with our heads and hearts - or with our spleens? I question those who would try to "send a message" about their discontent by electing candidates who believe there is no such thing as "good government".

Spleens have very short memories. They forget what "The Republican Team" mentioned in the campaign literature we're getting did the last time it was in office. How the Republicans who ran Michigan until eight years ago set in place policies that helped create the perfect storm when the national economy went into recession during the Bush administration.

We all want to see a return to prosperity at the local, state and national levels. Michigan, thanks in part to the economic diversification that Governor Granholm promoted but no thanks to the Republican-controlled Senate, is beginning to recover. And, we have benefited from the national Recovery Act spending on infrastructure projects and local police, firefighters and teachers.

If we vote with our heads and hearts, we'll select candidates who believe that government has a valuable role to play, who take it seriously and will devote their time and talent to serving the public good.

To keep Michigan moving forward, I urge you to vote for the entire Democratic ticket. Especially for Mark Schauer for Representative for the 7th Congressional district, Rebekah Warren for State Senate for the 18th district, Christine Green to succeed Pam Byrnes as Representative for the State House 52nd district, and Adam Zemke for County Commissioner for Washtenaw County's 1st district.

And remember, there's a non-partisan section of the ballot where you'll find the judicial races. Alton Davis and Dennis Morris are excellent candidates for the two seats on the Michigan Supreme Court.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Research the Non-Partisan Side of Your Ballot

If you have an absentee ballot in hand, you already know that the 2010 General Election ballot has two sides.

The partisan side is where you'll find both state-wide and excellent local candidates (for example, Mark Shauer for 7th district Congressional Representative, Christine Green for Michigan 52nd district State Representative and Adam Zemke for Washtenaw County 1st district County Commissioner) listed.

The non-partisan side contains the State and County Ballot Proposals and the candidates for judicial positions. Information about the two State-wide ballot proposals can be found at the Michigan League of Women Voters site. Just scroll down to the State Proposals section.

The only contested judicial race is for Michigan Supreme Court Justice. I've done my research and encourage you to vote for Alton Davis and Denise Morris. In my opinion, it's time to replace Bob Young, incumbent appointee from the Engler administration. You can find out about Justice Young's worst decisions here.

If you plan to vote in person, get information about the voting process and your polling place, and view a sample ballot at

We Involved Voters face real choices in the 2010 General Election. Think. Choose. Vote.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Deadline - Monday, October 4

The voter registration deadline here in Michigan is Monday, October 4th. To check your registration information, register to vote, request an absentee ballot, or to find your polling location, go to

You can also register to vote at your county, city, or township Clerk's office, any Secretary of State branch, or one of several state agencies, like the Department of Human Services and the Department of Community Health. It is easy to register, but don't wait until it is too late.